Smooth Ride
Current mood: energetic
I finished the script for Battle Royal MX Chapter 2 yesterday. I feel very excited about this Chapter. It's more purposeful and more complete, my two biggest criticism of Chapter 1.
I'm also excited about the level of collaboration in this script. I don't regret the tight control I had over Chapter 1, it's not that this is the "better" way to collaborate with an artist. I just think it's healthy to be this open about work, to take more risks, and I think it plays to the strength of the artist, any artist, in interpreting the text. What I'm talking about, in case I didn't mention it before, this script is basically a few sentences to a paragraph of the action that needs to occur on a page with as little as I can get away. Thus, I was able to write the script (which is more of Plot Treatment) in a few days as opposed to months of tedious revisions.
In the future, I'm either going to do scripts this way or I'm going to do the breakdowns and layouts of the issue. The visual component of a comic is so essential to the work the mind that interprets on that level does much by way of "writing" the issue. I'm not often willing to give that much control to someone else, even if I need/want them to do the artwork.
Anyway, I could talk theory all day! Right now I have to go to Psychology and then find something to eat