Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Not just a river in Egypt

Wow. I will never underestimate the power denial again.
For weeks I've been in mental anguish over school. I'm not exaggerating either. I've been physically ill from stress. It's Fall Break and I have a four day weekend and I spend most of the the last three days studying or worrying about studying. Last night I spent a pleasant evening with John Hagan getting his book "Aha and the Great ahum ahum ahum" ready for press. When I woke up this morning I realized I wasn't thinking about school. Simple as that. I knew it was there, and I was aware that part of my brain was scared of the consequences this denial would bring, but the rest of my brain was just oblivious, as if that 10% still freaking out had been walled off behind glass. We could see it out of the corner of our eye, banging on it's translucent prison, we could see it's mouth moving and are vaguely aware it is shouting at us, but we can't make out what it's saying. So we turn out back to it and go about our business.
It turns out to be a nice day. More trees are moving to yellow and rust, it's warm but not hot, cool breeze in the air. I went to two Big Lots looking for Halloween candy and bought the first bags of it today. I went to Wild and Woolly Video and got the first Halloween movie of the season.
I'm going to have fun today, damn it! Even if it does cost me my GPA!
(truth: it won't)


Blogger James V. West said...

I only wish I could have gotten physically ill worrying about school. I might have finished college! I had a love-hate relationship with school. Loved being in it, hated being made to do stuff. Why can't they just lecture and let you do what you want?

Good luck with school, Cyd!

9:50 AM, October 15, 2005  
Blogger C. Clark-Praxis said...

There's a long, ancient debate on what consitutes an education. Some people see it your way, most don't.

7:41 AM, October 18, 2005  

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