Started working up the primary deities for Xrox. I used to do this all the time when we were role playing. I was the only one who seemed to think religion was essential to a fantasy campaign. I still think it is. There are, of course, ways around it. I just love polytheism! I had a blast creating naked fertility gods and primal gods of the sea and light. The shit was just rolling off my fingers, the character creating themselves. See, these are personifications of qualities and ideas. I am sort of painting using concepts, symbols, values. It's the archetypes, only I get to decide what is important to a culture and then define the archetypes for them. Of course, these are based on the archetypes as I know them, so the whole thing is like my ideal for a Western European, basically Anglo, pagan religion.
I really dig how it's put me in a zone. I've been working for two hours tonight, from 11:00 pm to 1:00 am. It's been AGES since I've done that.
Makes those shit layouts I sent to James seem even more than half assed.
I don't think much about the fantasy genre these days, prefering to work in something mostly like sci fi, or at least a modern setting. However, the elements of fantasy are so primordial, they just get my blood flowing! And Xrox is shaping into a...what's the phrase? A Secondary World? That's really nice.
Going to bed. More later.
Woo hoo!
Excellent, Mr. C-P. You know full well how much I love fantasy so I know exactly where you're coming from here. I've been working on Trillium Cycle mythology like a madman. It's fun stuff.
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