Here's something about Peter Berergon
Peter is theonly reason I've got a BRMX comic to share with the world and he's not getting enough credit for it. I can't figure out how to post this bio on my webcomicsnation page, so I'm putting it here for now.
PETER T. BERGERON has won numerous awards and recognition for his artwork. Unfortunately most of them exist only n his ever-active imagination. He is skilled in numerous art fields including sequential art, illustration, painting, computer art, graphic design and a little bit in photography. Peter is currently and perpetually working on his most prized project, SOLACE MOON, a fantasy/sci-fi based graphic novel that will eventually spawn an animated short film. A web site with samples of his artwork is in the planning stage an should be available in the winter of 2005-2006. He originally hails from Manchester, NH but currently resides in Savannah, GA.
Contact may be made at